Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello!! (Chit Chat and Update)

Hi friends!  I just wanted to blog really quickly because it's been SO long.  I haven't been crafting much so I feel like I have nothing to write about but I actually have some things I wanted to blog about like how to save money using apps on your phone and some recipes.  One day I'll get used to the idea of having a lifestyle blog instead of just a crafting blog.  Maybe.  Hopefully!

The kids are doing well.  Brady only have 1.5 months of kindergarten left and I feel like I'm going to cry.  Yikes!  Parker is doing well.  He'll be going to 4 year old preschool in the fall (actually late summer) and hopefully that will go better than 3 year old preschool which he dropped out of.  And Avery is doing fantastic.  She's a sweet baby with adorable rolls and is a huge hit everywhere we go.

Over spring break, I got really really sick and ended up in the hospital.  I had viral and bacterial infections which caused me to have a fever.  I was sweating constantly and I managed to get dehydrated even though I was drinking and eating soup.  I had to get 4 bags of IV fluids and antibiotics.  I spent last week recovering some more.  I'm still tired but I think I'm getting well now.

THANK YOU to my friends who always comment every time I blog which is so infrequently.  It makes me feel very loved knowing that you didn't give up on me.  :)  


  1. Just sending you some love!! :)

  2. Glad that you're almost completely recovered! I too had a bad viral thing last October that landed me a trip in the ambulance to the hospital. I know it's not fun at all.

  3. I have been wondering how you are doing. Three definitely keep you busy and out of the craft room a lot. Sorry to hear about you being sick...hope you continue to rest and recover. Glad Avery is doing well...would love to see a picture! Take care, get well...I'll continue to keep my eye on your blog! :) {{hugs}}

  4. Well, I hope that you stay healthy!!! take it easy!!!

  5. It's so nice getting a little update of the goings on in your life. Sorry you were so sick. I'm glad the hospital got you fixed it.

    Give your kids an extra hug tonight - they grow up so fast. My baby Trenton will be starting 12th grade in the fall *weeps*

  6. wow. so glad you have recovered and are feeling better!

  7. glad you are feeling better and that the kiddos are doing good.

  8. Feel better! And enjoy those adorable kiddies!

  9. Stay healthy and enjoy that family of yours. Miss you! xoxo
