Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sept CARDS Magazine Pub

Hi friends! I hope you are having a great day! We were having a lazy morning until Brady was goofing off and standing on the chair. He fell off, hit his face on another chair and put two teeth through his lower lip. GAH! This is the life of a mom with two rough and tumble boys!

Ok, today, I'm sharing a card I had published in the Sept 2011 issue of CARDS Magazine by Northridge Media. For more details, check out the issue! You can still get it online or through their website! :D
Have a great day! Hope it's not as traumatic as mine!


  1. Congrats on the pub! I am still waiting!

  2. HOOOOORAY for another publication--LOVE those alphas and that paper! FAB job:) Give Brady a hug for me!! Bless his little heart:)

  3. I can totally see why they picked up this card. Fantastic! Congratulations on another publications...how many does that make it now? WOW!

  4. congrats on your pub...and oy for the boy.

  5. I love this card! That little star is so cute, and I really like the pattern paper. Who makes it? I am in this mag with you. Yay, our first pub together!!! :) :) :) Congrats friend!

  6. Ouchie, poor Brady! Hope he's okay and that you're feeling better. No wonder you've been feeling agitated!
    Congrats on having another card published!! It's such a cute, happy card!

  7. Oh, poor Brady! My husband had that happen to him as a kid too. Hopefully he won't have a scar. (Rog wears a gotee to hide his). Hope life is back to "normal" soon!
