The day before Jennifer's 6th birthday, she was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. This is an aggressive tumor with a bleak prognosis. Jennifer (JLK) is currently undergoing a 6 week radiation treatment plan far from her home and isn't able to go to school or even see her siblings everyday right now. They are trying to get JLK into some experimental treatment in hopes of buying more time with their little princess. Insurance does not cover these treatments. They are also trying to raise money so that Jennifer's dad Tony can take some time off work to be with his family.
I'm BEGGING each person who sees this post to donate just $1 to the Kranz family. Could you even imagine having to go through this horror? Could you imagine being Tony and having to leave your daughter at the hospital to go to work? Please find it in your heart to paypal this family just $1 and prayers/good thoughts. If each one of my Google Friend Connect followers donated just $1, they would have almost $500 to help keep their little girl on this earth for more time. You can use their Paypal address: loveforjlk@gmail.com.
You can read more about JLK and keep up with her fight on her website LoveforJLK.org. Thank you for anyone who finds it in their heart to help!
The link to the site is actually loveforjlk.org :)